Buying PocketPhonics Stories for school

Low-cost subscription

Schools subscribe on a per student per annum basis. Take advantage of our special introductory rate: UK £3.50, US $4, Canada $5, Australia $5 and Europe €4 per student per annum. To qualify for this rate, your school has to purchase a subscription for a minimum of 10 students.

For UK and European schools, please note this price does not include VAT.

Easy rollout

Download and install the free-to-try version of PocketPhonics Stories on as many iPads as you like. Once you have paid your subscription, any login associated with your school on our service will automatically give you full access in the app. You simply log into the app on an iPad using a school login for The app will then check with our server and configure that app to give you the full access demanded by your subscription. It’s that simple. Install the app, and log-in.

Your choice of payment method

You can either pay via PayPal, or make a bank transfer to our account. Get in touch for details and we can set you up and send you an invoice.

Subscription gives you more than the paid app

The subscription gives you access to all the future content that we will add. The paid app just gives you access to the content as it is now. Obviously because the longer students use the app, the more we will earn, we have a big incentive to add more storybooks and grow the content.